[7] The Abrahamic Blessing
Steve McKenzie

Series: Story of God
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Preacher: Steve McKenzie

Sermon Summary

In today’s message, we explored the profound narrative of faith as exemplified in the life of Abraham, particularly focusing on Genesis chapter 12, verses 1 through 9. We delved into the pattern of God’s instruction, human rebellion, divine correction, and redemptive promises that is evident throughout Scripture. This pattern is crucial to understanding God’s relationship with humanity and His plan for our flourishing.

The heart of the message centered on the call of Abraham. God’s command to Abraham to leave his homeland and go to an unknown land serves as a pivotal moment in the biblical narrative. This call required Abraham to step out in faith, trusting God’s word over his own understanding. Abraham’s obedience to God’s command, despite the uncertainty and potential discomfort, is a powerful testament to his faith.

We reflected on the implications of Abraham’s journey for our own lives. The call to leave the familiar and step into the unknown is a call to trust God’s promises over our own perceptions of security and comfort. Abraham’s story challenges us to consider where we place our trust and whether we are willing to follow God’s leading, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

The message concluded with a reminder that the promises made to Abraham find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through Christ, all nations are blessed, and we, as believers, are called to extend that blessing to others. The Great Commission is rooted in the Abrahamic promise, and we are invited to participate in God’s redemptive plan for the world.

Key Takeaways:

– Faith requires us to trust in God’s word more than our own understanding. Like Abraham, we are often called to step out into the unknown, relying on the promises of God rather than the visible and tangible. This trust is not passive but active, leading us to make decisions that align with God’s will, even when it contradicts our logic or comfort. [12:51]

– The pattern of God’s instruction, human rebellion, divine correction, and redemptive promise is a recurring theme in Scripture. It teaches us that God’s plans for us are for our good and flourishing, but our sinful nature often leads us astray. God’s correction is not punitive but restorative, guiding us back to the path of life He has designed for us. [05:40]

– The story of Abraham is not just a historical account but a narrative that speaks to the broader scope of God’s redemptive work. Abraham’s faith and obedience foreshadow the coming of Christ, through whom the promises to Abraham are fulfilled. As believers, we are part of this story, called to live by faith in the reality of God’s promises. [11:38]

– Our lives are meant to build altars to God, not monuments to ourselves. The way we live, the decisions we make, and the legacy we leave should point others to God’s faithfulness and grace, not our own achievements. This perspective shifts our priorities and shapes our identity around God’s purposes rather than our own. [28:23]

– The Great Commission is deeply connected to the Abrahamic blessing. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the mission to bless all nations by sharing the Gospel. This mission is not an afterthought but is woven into the fabric of God’s plan from the beginning. Our participation in this mission is a response to God’s call to be a blessing to others, just as Abraham was. [35:36]