Roots of Renewal (Week 4)
Steve McKenzie

August 23, 2020 


God’s glorious strentgth at work in us through the Holy Spirit enables us to know and experience the infinite love of Jesus. 


Foundation of Our Growth

“Being rooted and grounded in love…”

  • “Rooted” – agricultural term of roots digging deep through the soil to living waters. 

  • “Established” architectural term for the foundation of a building
  • “God’s Love” – Hessed found 240 times in the Old Testament that contain 3 equal characteristics: Strength, Steadfastness, and Love (Numbers 14:18, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Paslms 5:7; 6:4; 17:7; 31:7)

“Keep you strong…”

  • The abiding and sustaining power of God at work within us.


Looking Over the Edge

“The power to understand (NLT) … Comprehend (ESV)

  • God must give us eyes to see and ears to hear. 


“Width, length, height, and depth…”

  • “…because God is self-existent, his love had no beginning, because he is eternal, his love can have no end, because he is inifinte it has no limit, because he is holy it is the quintessence of all spotless purity, becayse he is immense, his love is an incomprehensibly vast, bottomless, shoreless see…” – A.W. Tozer
  • “It is so long that your old age cannot wear it out, so long your continual tribulation cannot exhaust it, your successive trmptations will not drain it dry, like eternity itself, it know no bounds.” – C.H. Spurgeon


Awake, O Sleeper – Unknown Author

Awake O Sleeper,  you go your own way

thinking pleasurous freedom,

but covered in chains

Awake O Sleeper, from dust you were made

this life is a vapor and it quickly fades.

Awake O Sleeper,you try to live right

but darkness prevails

overcomes all your might.

Awake O Sleeper,before all is lost

trust not in yourself but blood on a cross.

Awake O Sleeper, and turn to the one

who love so amazing He surrendered his son.

Awake O Sleeper, in the valley of bones

rescued from sin

no longer alone.


Jump Into His Love

“May you experience the love of Christ… too great to fully understand…”

  • We are called to not only know the love of Jesus intellectually but to also experience its reality in our hearts. 
    • Not only understand his love but to feel the warmth of his embrace
    • Not only the definition of sin but the brokenness of true repentance
    • Not only recite the confessions of others but personally place our hope in Jesus Christ alone
    • Not only study about Jesus but to know him as our personal Savior.


  • Repent & Believe
  • Grow in our understanding and experience of Jesus
  • DAILY – Pray for someone in the church by name
  • WEEKLY – Send a text, note, or card to someone int he church
  • MONTHLY – Share a meal with another person or family in the church


  • Raise up our child to know Jesus and trust in him personally.
  • Join the parent meet-up this Thursday at either 7:00 PM or 8:30 PM