Integrity in the Inner Self
Steve McKenzie

At CrossPointe Church, we often talk about integrity. But what does it really mean to have integrity in the inner self? It’s more than just being honest or having good moral principles. It’s about having a heart that seeks after God and reflects His character, even when no one is watching.

The Tale of Three Kings: Lessons on Inner Integrity

In a recent sermon, we explored the lives of three kings from the Bible: Saul, David, and Solomon. Each of their stories provides a unique perspective on the importance of inner integrity and character.

1. Saul: A Cautionary Tale

Saul was the first king of Israel, chosen for his impressive physical appearance and stature. He looked like a leader, but his heart wasn’t aligned with God. Despite his outward appearance, Saul’s reign was marked by fear, jealousy, and disobedience. His inability to obey God’s commands revealed a significant flaw in his character.

Reflection: How often do we judge ourselves and others by outward appearances? Saul’s story reminds us that true integrity starts within. Are there areas in your life where fear and insecurity are overshadowing your faith and obedience?

2. David: A Man After God’s Own Heart

David, in contrast to Saul, was chosen by God not for his appearance but for his heart. Despite being the youngest and seemingly least likely of his brothers, David was anointed as king because of his deep faith and trust in God. His life was not without mistakes—his sin with Bathsheba being a glaring example—but his response to his failures showed his true character. David repented wholeheartedly, seeking God’s forgiveness and striving to align his life with God’s will.

Reflection: David’s story shows us that integrity doesn’t mean being perfect. It’s about how we respond to our failures. Do we make excuses, or do we seek genuine repentance and strive to grow closer to God?

3. Solomon: The Dangers of a Divided Heart

Solomon started his reign with great promise, asking God for wisdom to lead his people. However, his later years were marked by a slow decline in obedience. Solomon allowed his heart to be led astray by his many foreign wives, leading him to worship other gods. His story is a warning of how small compromises can gradually lead to a significant departure from God’s ways.

Reflection: Solomon’s life encourages us to examine our own hearts. Are there small compromises we are making that could lead us away from our faith? Integrity requires consistent, daily decisions to follow God wholeheartedly.

The Heart of the Matter

At the core of these stories is the truth that God values the state of our hearts more than our outward achievements. Psalm 51:6 (CSB) says, “Surely you desire integrity in the inner self, and you teach me wisdom deep within.” This verse encapsulates the essence of true integrity—it’s about what’s inside, our motives, our desires, and our relationship with God.


Practical Steps to Cultivate Inner Integrity

1.Self-Reflection: Ask God to examine your motives and actions. Are they aligned with your values?

2.Seek Forgiveness: When you fail, don’t cover it up. Admit your mistakes, seek forgiveness, and strive to do better.

3.Daily Commitment: Integrity is built through small, daily decisions. Stay committed to your values in every aspect of your life.

4.Surround Yourself with Support: Find a community that encourages and holds you accountable to your values.


At CrossPointe, we are here to support you on this journey, whether you are exploring faith or looking to deepen your relationship with God. Let’s strive together for integrity in the inner self, seeking to live lives that reflect the heart of God.

Feel free to join us for our next service, where we will continue to explore these important themes and support one another in our faith journeys.