Finding Hope in the Waiting
Steve McKenzie

Life often brings us to moments where we find ourselves in a “desolate pit” or “muddy clay” as described in Psalm 40:1-2. These times can feel dark, lonely, and overwhelming, where moving forward seems impossible. If you’re in a season of waiting on God, struggling with pain or uncertainty, know that you are not alone.

Psalm 40 teaches us the importance of waiting patiently for the Lord. This isn’t passive waiting; it’s an active, confident expectation that God will act. David’s words remind us that God hears our cries and sees our tears. He turns towards us, offering His presence even when our circumstances haven’t changed.

In the midst of your waiting, God invites you to trust Him. Psalm 40:3-5 encourages us to sing a new song of praise, even when it feels challenging. This new song is a testimony of God’s past faithfulness and an expression of hope for His future deliverance. When we choose to praise Him in our pain, we declare our trust in His goodness and timing.

Jesus is our ultimate provision, as highlighted in Psalm 40:6-8. His sacrifice on the cross is a reminder that God’s love and grace are always available, even in our darkest moments. Hebrews 10 reinforces that Jesus’ one sacrifice has perfected us forever, providing a foundation of hope and assurance.

In your current struggle, reflect on these questions: How have you experienced waiting on God before? What song fills your heart during these periods? How can you share God’s faithfulness with others this week?

Remember, the pain of waiting is real, but so is the promise of God’s goodness. He is with you, He hears you, and in His perfect timing, He will lift you up and set your feet on solid ground.