[20] Jesus, The Better Deliverer
Steve McKenzie

In this sermon, Pastor Steve dives deep into the story of how Jesus is the ultimate deliverer, far surpassing even Moses. Moses delivered the Israelites from physical bondage in Egypt, but his leadership and the law couldn’t change their hearts or grant them lasting freedom. Jesus, on the other hand, delivers us from the bondage of sin and transforms us from the inside out.

The sermon emphasizes that while religion may often focus on rules, true transformation only comes through Jesus. Steve challenges us with the question: Who do we listen to when we cry out for help? Many turn to money, power, or approval, but the call of the gospel is to listen to Jesus, the better deliverer. Jesus not only frees us from the consequences of sin, but He also breaks its power in our lives and will one day remove its presence altogether.

Through vivid illustrations and Scripture, Steve encourages listeners to trust Jesus fully and submit to His loving rule, as He alone is worthy of our worship and has the power to transform our hearts and lives. Listen and discover why Jesus is the better deliverer we all need.