Sermon Series Overview

In this three-week series, “Making Disciples,” we’ll explore the essential components of evangelism: Prayer, Care, and Share. Join us as we delve into how these elements work together to fulfill our calling to make disciples of all nations. We’ll learn how to depend humbly on God in prayer, demonstrate the gospel through compassionate care, and boldly declare the good news of Jesus Christ.


Week 1: Prayer | Dependence on God

Date: August 4, 2024

Description: Discover the power of prayer as we examine our need for humble dependence on God in the preparation and process of evangelism. We’ll learn that while we are called to share the gospel, it is ultimately God who opens doors and hearts.


Week 2: Care | Demonstrating the Gospel

Date: August 11, 2024

Description: Explore the importance of care in evangelism by living out the love of Christ through acts of service and compassion. We’ll see how genuine care and relationship-building pave the way for sharing the gospel effectively.


Week 3: Share | Bold Declaration of the Gospel

Date: August 18, 2024

Description: Dive into the boldness required to share the gospel with others. We’ll be equipped to proclaim the mystery of Christ with clarity and confidence, trusting God to work through our words to bring about transformation.


Join Us:

Join us each Sunday at 10:00 AM at CrossPointe Church as we embark on this journey of making disciples. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to the faith, this series will inspire and equip you to participate in God’s mission with confidence and joy.