Series Overview

As we embark on our journey of faith, there are essential elements that equip and guide us in becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ. “Pack for the Journey” is a three-week sermon series designed to prepare you for the path ahead by focusing on the core components of discipleship. Just as travelers must pack wisely for a long journey, we must be intentional about what we carry with us as followers of Christ. This series will highlight three key elements that every believer needs for their spiritual journey:

Week 1: The Journey’s Guidebook – The Bible

Discover the foundational role of God’s Word in our lives, serving as our ultimate guide and source of truth. Learn how Scripture equips us for every aspect of life and discipleship, providing direction, wisdom, and encouragement for the road ahead.

Week 2: The Journey’s Guide – The Holy Spirit

Explore the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, who leads, comforts, and equips us for our mission. Understand how the Spirit works within us, guiding us in truth and empowering us to live out our calling as disciples.

Week 3: The Journey’s Companions – The Church

Recognize the vital role of community and fellowship in our journey. We are not meant to walk this path alone; God has given us the gift of fellow believers to support, challenge, and encourage us along the way.

Join Us

“Pack for the Journey” is an invitation to deepen your understanding of these essential elements of discipleship. Whether you’re a new believer or have been walking with Jesus for years, this series will equip you with the tools and insights needed to grow in your faith and fulfill your God-given purpose. Let’s journey together as we follow Christ and make disciples of all nations.