[13] Ten Plagues & Passover
Steve McKenzie

Series: Story of God
Scripture: Exodus 5-12
Preacher: Steve McKenzie (Lead Pastor)


In today’s sermon, I explored the profound narrative of God’s deliverance as depicted in the book of Exodus, focusing particularly on chapters 5 through 12. This passage illustrates not only God’s might but also His unwavering commitment to His promises, despite the apparent setbacks His people faced.

We began by setting the stage with the Israelites’ harsh conditions under Egyptian slavery. Despite their cries for deliverance, their situation initially worsened after Moses’ first encounter with Pharaoh. This led to a deep sense of discouragement among the people, a theme that resonates with many who strive to follow God’s will yet find their circumstances deteriorating.

However, the core of the message highlighted God’s response to this discouragement. Through a series of divine acts, commonly referred to as the plagues, God systematically dismantled the Egyptian pantheon, which the Egyptians believed controlled various aspects of the natural and spiritual world. Each plague targeted specific deities, demonstrating their impotence compared to Yahweh’s supreme power. This was not merely an act of judgment but a deliberate revelation to both the Israelites and the Egyptians that Yahweh is the one true God.

The climax of this divine demonstration was the Passover, a profound event that not only signified deliverance from physical bondage but also spiritual liberation. The Israelites were instructed to mark their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, a symbol of their obedience and faith in God’s promise. This act of faith was crucial for their salvation, as it distinguished them from the Egyptians during the final plague.

The sermon concluded with a reflection on the New Testament fulfillment of the Passover lamb in Jesus Christ. Just as the Israelites applied the lamb’s blood to their doorposts, we are called to apply the blood of Christ to our lives by faith. This act of faith in Jesus’ sacrifice brings salvation from sin and death, echoing the deliverance of the Israelites.

### Key Takeaways

1. **The Reality of God’s Promises Amidst Discouragement**
Even when circumstances seem to contradict God’s promises, His words stand true. The Israelites’ initial increase in suffering under Pharaoh’s rule after Moses’ intervention might have seemed like a failure. However, this was a setup for a greater demonstration of God’s power and faithfulness. This teaches us that God’s promises are not dependent on our circumstances but on His unchanging character. [18:11]

2. **God’s Sovereignty Over All Powers**
The plagues were not random acts of judgment but targeted demonstrations against the specific gods of Egypt. Each plague revealed the impotence of these deities, affirming Yahweh’s supremacy over all spiritual and earthly powers. This reassures us that no matter the powers we face in life, be they spiritual or physical, God has supreme authority over all. [23:55]

3. **The Significance of the Passover Lamb**
The Passover was not merely a historical event but a prophetic shadow of Christ’s sacrifice. Just as the lamb’s blood saved the Israelites, Christ’s sacrifice saves us from eternal death. This parallel invites us to reflect on the depth of Christ’s sacrifice and the profound love God has for us, prompting us to live in grateful obedience. [32:37]

4. **Faith as the Means of Applying God’s Provision**
The act of applying the lamb’s blood to the doorposts was an act of obedience and faith. Similarly, our salvation comes not through our works but through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross. This challenges us to consider the simplicity yet profundity of faith as the means through which we receive God’s greatest gift—salvation. [42:07]

5. **The Assurance of God’s Love in Christ**
The ultimate takeaway from the Exodus story and its fulfillment in Christ is the assurance of God’s love. Nothing can separate us from this love, not trials, nor distress, nor persecution. This assurance is meant to anchor us in every season of life, reminding us of the eternal and unshakeable love God has for us in Christ. [48:04]