Anchors in the Storm
Steve McKenzie
Acts 27

LINK: Study Guide

Series Big Idea: The gospel will be proclaimed among all peoples through witnesses empowered by the Holy Spirit.

  •  God’s purposes include difficulties
    • Acts 23:11 God tells Paul he is sending him to Rome but Paul endures significant difficulties along the way.
  • Disobedience
    • Paul tells the people to not take the journey or they will suffer great losses (Acts 27:9-12)
  • Judgment
    • The sailors suffer the consequences of their actions and try to save themselves (Acts 27:13-20)
  • Mercy
    • God mercifully save everyone even though they did not deserve saving (Acts 28:21-44)
  • God’s Purposes
    • God created the heavens the earth to display his glory (Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1)
    • God created man and woman to reflect his glory (Genesis 1:27)
  • Disobedience
    • Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3) and we have all disobeyed God and fallen short of his purpose for us to reflect his glory (Romans 3:23).
  • Judgment
    • The punishment for our disobedience is death (Romans 6:23). This means both physical death (our spirit being separated from our body) and spiritual death (our spirit being separated from God’s presence.
    • Like the sailors in Acts 27, we try to save ourselves through good works, religions, trying harder, etc.
  • Mercy
    • We need to come to the end of ourselves and our own efforts (Acts27:20)
    • God’s love for his creation caused him to send us his eternal son, Jesus, to give his life as a ransom for our sin.
    • Saved in Life – Jesus’ death reverses our spiritual death where we are no longer separated from the presence of God.
    • Saved for Eternity – Jesus’ resurrection reverses our physical death so that it is not final but we too will be raised to enjoy God forever.
  1. Begin by reading all of Acts 27.
  2. What does this passage reveal to us about God? (examples: God is faithful to his promises to Paul, God is present with Paul, God allows hardships, God is merciful, etc)
  3. What does this passage reveal to us about man? (examples: God gives favor between Julius and Paul, people listened to supposed experts rather than God, we try to save ourselves, even after God begins to save us we try to do something to save ourselves, etc)
  4. How is the Holy Spirit leading you to apply the truths of this passage in your life? (are people trying to obtain God’s favor through works or by faith, are people going through difficulties and doubting God’s faithfulness or presence, etc)
  5. Is there anybody in your life with whom you can share the truths from this passage? If so, who and How can we pray for them and you as you share with them this week.