Care | Demonstration of the Gospel

In this sermon, the concluding part of a three-week series on making disciples, we focus on the final component of Jesus’ Great Commission: boldly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Drawing parallels to the “Mission: Impossible” TV series, the sermon emphasizes that the mission of making disciples is not impossible but possible, empowered by Jesus’ authority and presence.

Jesus commands His followers to “make disciples of all nations,” a mission that includes three key activities: going, baptizing, and teaching. The sermon highlights that making disciples is about cultivating relationships, sowing the seeds of the gospel, and harvesting new life in Christ. Despite daunting statistics about declining church attendance and growing secularism, the sermon reassures us that Jesus’ command comes with a promise: His supreme authority and continual presence guarantee the success of our mission.

We are called to be proactive in reaching out, building relationships, and sharing the gospel, trusting that God will open doors and lead us to those He is already drawing to Himself. The mission is daunting, but it is made possible through Christ’s power and presence.