Jesus | Our Faithful God
Steve McKenzie

Series: Jesus in the Psalms
Scripture: Psalm 89
Preacher: Steve McKenzie (Lead Pastor)

Sermon in a Sentence: The most important time to believe that God’s promises of steadfast faithfulness never fail is when they seem to have failed.

Main Points:

  1. Worship in the Darkness (Psalm 89:1-2):
    • Despite despair, choose to worship and declare God’s faithful love.
    • Worship serves as spiritual warfare, shifting focus from darkness to God’s character and promises.
  2. Remember God’s Word (Psalm 89:3-4):
    • Recall and hold onto what God has spoken, even when circumstances seem to contradict His promises.
    • Trust that God is present and working, even in the darkest times.
  3. Enjoy God’s Creation (Psalm 89:5-18):
    • Find solace and assurance of God’s faithfulness by experiencing His creation.
    • Reflect on the beauty and majesty of nature as a reminder of God’s ongoing presence and power.
  4. Trust God’s Promises (Psalm 89:19-37):
    • God’s promises are steadfast and ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
    • Even when it seems like God’s promises have failed, trust in His faithfulness and His eternal plan.

Crisis of Faith (Psalm 89:38-52):

  • The psalmist expresses feelings of abandonment and questions God’s faithfulness in the face of suffering and destruction.
  • Reflect on personal experiences of doubt and seeming unfulfilled promises, and recognize the importance of bringing these struggles to God.

Confidence in Faith (Isaiah 61):

  • Jesus fulfills the Davidic Covenant, demonstrating that God’s promises never fail.
  • Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are the ultimate proof of God’s faithfulness.
  • Believers are called to have confidence in Jesus as the embodiment of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.