Jesus | Our Provision (Psalm 40)
Steve McKenzie

In this sermon, we explore Psalm 40 and see how it points to Jesus as our ultimate provision. The Psalm is divided into two distinct sections: thanksgiving and personal lament, yet it unifies in showing God’s faithfulness.

Sermon in a Sentence: Trust in God, obey His will, and proclaim His greatness while waiting patiently for Him to rescue you.


Here are the main points:

Waiting with Patience (Psalm 40:1-2): Trust in God and wait confidently for His timing, knowing He will rescue you from your “desolate pit” and “muddy clay.”

Sing God’s Praise (Psalm 40:3-5): Let God put a new song of praise in your mouth, sharing His goodness and faithfulness with others.

Jesus, Our Provision (Psalm 40:6-8): Understand that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises, offering one perfect sacrifice for all time.

Rejoice in Proclamation (Psalm 40:9-10): Boldly proclaim God’s righteousness and faithfulness to others, completing your joy by sharing His work in your life.

Plead with Cause (Psalm 40:11-17): Even in your pain, intertwine the praise of heaven with the struggles of earth, trusting in God’s compassion, love, and deliverance.

Reflection Questions:

1.In what ways have you experienced waiting on God? How did He meet you in those times?

2.What song fills your heart during periods of waiting and struggle?

3.How can you boldly share God’s faithfulness and love with others this week?


Join us in discovering the deep truths of Psalm 40 and how Jesus is our ultimate provision.