The Mystery Revealed
Steve McKenzie

The Mystery Revealed: The Gospel for All People

For generations, the world lived without knowing the full plan of God. But now, through Christ, the mystery has been revealed—the gospel is for all nations, all backgrounds, all people.

Paul was so overwhelmed by this truth that he interrupted his own prayer to marvel at what God had done. No longer are we outsiders. No longer are we without hope. We are co-heirs, full members of God’s family, and part of His holy temple.

This sermon explores:

• Why remembering the mystery deepens our gratitude.

• How the church is the display of God’s wisdom to the heavens.

• What it means to boldly approach God with confidence.

• Why the angels themselves are amazed at what God is doing through the church.

➡️ Watch or listen now. Let the revealed mystery of the gospel transform how you live, worship, and proclaim Christ.