The Promised Cleansing
Steve McKenzie
ISAIAH 6:1-8
The Promised Cleansing


Big Idea

God breaks through the mundane complacency in our lives to the:


  1. Isaiah’s Complacency & God’s Intervention (6:1a)
    1. 2 Chronicles 26, Uzziah reigned for 52 years but grew proud and distant from God and indifferent in the worship of God
  2. God’s Holiness & Isaiah’s Conviction (6:1b-5)
    1. Seraphim – ‘burning one,’ ‘ ‘fiery’
    2. Holy, Holy, Holy – multiplied perfection upon perfection
    3. We truly see ourselves after we see the holiness of God
  3. God’s Holiness & Isaiah’s Cleansing (6:6-7)
    1. The burning coals from the altar bring healing, not hurt
    2. The burning coal is like Jesus in our lives
  4. God’s Holiness & Isaiah’s Commissioning (6:8)
    1. There is no pride in what we have to offer, only a willingness that says, “I’m here, Send Me.”


Community Group Questions:

  1. Describe your Christmas traditions either as a child or now?
  2. How is your heart entering this Christmas season? (Restful, busy, distracted, thoughtful, etc)
  3. King Uzziah’s heart grew cold toward God after he experienced success and things were going well? How do you cultivate a tender heart toward God in the good times and the bad?
  4. Describe in your own words the scene we’re shown in Isaiah 6. How does this description help reorient our understanding of God? How does this scene impact the view of Jesus lying in a manger?
  5. How is the burning coal healing Isaiah like the healing Christians experience because of Jesus?
  6. How can we meaningfully pray for one another’s heart this Christmas season?