Unified in Christ
Steve McKenzie

You were far off… but now, you’ve been brought near.

Isolation. Division. Hostility. These words describe our world—and our hearts—before Jesus. In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul pulls back the curtain on what the Gospel truly accomplishes: it doesn’t just save us individually; it creates a new community. Christ tears down every dividing wall, turning strangers into family, foreigners into citizens, and wanderers into members of God’s household.

This sermon explores:

• Why remembering where we came from enriches our worship.

• How the cross reconciles us to both God and each other.

• What it means to live as part of God’s family and His holy temple.

• How the church can reflect the diversity and unity of heaven.

➡️ Watch or listen now. Let the reality of God’s reconciling love reshape how you live, love, and belong.