Our Team

Lead Pastor

Steve McKenzie
Steve McKenzie

Welcome to CrossPointe! I’m so glad you are checking us out.

At CrossPointe, we believe that our collective journey with Jesus leads to transformation and hope. We’re here to support and walk with you on this path. We’ve witnessed God transform lives across the world and from all different backgrounds.

My wife and I were married in 1996 and left a few months later to serve Jesus in the Middle East. We’ve also lived and ministered in North Africa and Europe, with short trips into South America and parts of Asia Minor. God is building his church globally, and we are excited to be part of his work here in Central Florida.

I would be honored to hear your story and walk together following our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ.

Staff Team

Our leadership team exists to serve and equip the church as a whole for the work of the ministry. The church is a family that works together for the glory of God and good of our neighborhoods to the nations.

Steve McKenzie

Lead Pastor

Anthony Negron

Worship Director

Eleanor Sanon

Children's Ministry Director

Elder Team

CrossPointe Church is led and governed by a plurality of elders. Our elders serve the church with a four-fold focus: (1) Knowing the People, (2) Feeding the People, (3) Leading the People, and (4) Protecting the People.

Steve McKenzie

Elder (Lead Pastor)

Anthony Negron


Gene Coleman


Stephen Bean

Elder Candidate

AD Daisley

Elder (On Sabbatical)

Ministry Leaders

Ministry Leaders serve the church family under the authority of the elders by caring for the physical and logistical needs of the church.

Candy Fox


Tina Hood

Women's Ministry

Anna Patterson


Stephen Bean


Mike Jochum


Kirsten McKenzie

Global Missions