[15] Lawlessness & Loving Kindness
Steve McKenzie

Series: Story of God
Scripture: Joshua, Judges, Ruth
Preacher: Steve McKenzie (Lead Pastor)

Sermon Slides [Download]

Sermon in a Sentence: God rightly punishes our disobedience to guide us back to Himself in true repentance through His promised Savior.

The sermon explores the recurring cycle of disobedience, judgment, repentance, and deliverance seen in the Old Testament, particularly in the Book of Judges. Despite God’s clear instructions, the Israelites repeatedly fell into sin, resulting in moral corruption, oppression, and God’s just punishment. However, each time they repented, God raised leaders, known as judges, to deliver them, though these leaders themselves often reflected the people’s worsening moral state.

The story transitions to the Book of Ruth, highlighting God’s loving kindness and provision. Ruth, a Moabite widow, displays loyalty and humility, leading her to Boaz, a kinsman-redeemer who provides for her and ensures her safety. This act of redemption mirrors God’s ultimate plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, who breaks the cycle of sin and death.

In conclusion, the sermon emphasizes God’s holiness, justice, and love, urging true repentance and faith in Jesus, our Redeemer, who offers eternal peace and rest.