Care | Demonstration of the Gospel
Steve McKenzie

In the Christian life, caring for others is not just an option; it’s a command to live out the love of Christ tangibly. Rooted in 1 John 3:16-18, we learn that true love begins not with self-love, but with the sacrificial love of Jesus. Understanding this love compels us to act—to move from mere words to deeds that reflect God’s heart.

Sermon in a Sentence: Caring is the genuine and active demonstration of the Gospel in the life of others.

This love calls us to see the needs around us and respond with compassion. Just as God’s love is active, not passive, we are called to serve others sacrificially. Whether through providing for physical needs, offering emotional support, or simply being present, our actions should mirror the love Christ has shown us. As we do, we fulfill our role in making disciples, demonstrating the gospel in both word and deed.